Birthday Book Tag

Soo, I recently found this tag on LibroLiv's Blog and thought I would do it as my birthday is next week on the 2nd of November! 

1. Count your birth day along your bookshelf and then subtract your birth month. What book does it land on? 

The BFG by Roald Dahl. This is my all time favourite childhood book. This is the first book I remember picking up and reading. I then fell in love with his work and continued to read The Witches and many more of his books.

2. If you could spend your birthday with any fictional character who would it be and why?
Ooh, I love this question! It is a very hard one to answer though as I love so many characters. I think I will choose Etienné St. Clair because I think he would know how to make my birthday very very special and plus he is not only gorgeous, but he gets the feels going most definitely.

3. Find a book that takes place in the season you were born in.

I'm going to choose November 9 by Colleen Hoover for this one. Even though in Australia November is in Spring, I though November 9 fit very well with this question and it is an amazing book so it deserves a place in this tag!

4. Find a book that is the colour of your birth stone.

My birthstone is Topaz so I am going with a bluey/greeny coloured book. I think the cover for After by Anna Todd is the closest I will get on my bookshelves.

5. Is there a series with the same number of books as your age? If so what is it?

There isn't a series I currently own that has 15 books in it. The closest would have to be Gossip Girl which is a 14-book-long series and I don't even own it.

6. Pick a book set in a time period, world or country you would like to have been born in.

Although I am quite happy being born in the year I was born in, I would have loved to be born in the 90's. I think Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky fits this category very well. 


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