Title: Girl Online

Author: Zoe Sugg

Series or Standalone: Standalone (for the time being)

Genre: YA Contemporary 

Format: Paperback

Publication Date: 25th November 2014

Goodreads Summary:

I had no idea GirlOnline would take off the way it has - I can't believe I now have 5432 followers, thanks so much! - and the thought of opening up to you all about this is terrifying, but here goes...

Penny has a secret.

Under the alias GirlOnline, she blogs about school dramas, boys, her mad, whirlwind family - and the panic attacks she's suffered from lately. When things go from bad to worse, her family whisks her away to New York, where she meets the gorgeous, guitar-strumming Noah. Suddenly Penny is falling in love - and capturing every moment of it on her blog.

But Noah has a secret too. One that threatens to ruin Penny's cover - and her closest friendship - forever.

My Review:

This book went beyond my expectations! I was so surprised at how much I enjoyed reading Girl Online. This was mainly because I have been watching Zoe's videos on youtube for over 3 years now on "Zoella" and I love her to death, but I never imagined her to write anything let alone a fictional book. I really didn't think it was going to be that good at all, but it was!!

I really enjoyed how light the read was, as well as focusing on some heavier subjects such as anxiety. I really enjoyed reading in Penny's prospective as I know how much this character reflects Zoe. I could see tiny bits of her personality sparking up throughout this novel and I loved that. 

I really enjoyed the setting in Brighton and i loved seeing her family and friend's relationships progression and downfall, as well as Elliot's family and personal struggles. I absolutely adore his character! Noah's character was very well thought out, but such a cliche character which I loved. I can see why many people may not have liked this book as of the way you knew how everything was going to turn out. I do not mind that in books as long as they are still enjoyable. I was in definite luck with this book!

I liked what the secret Noah was keeping throughout meeting Penny and I did guess it but it was fun to read anyway. One thing that I didn't particularly like though was how Penny changed A LOT when she met Noah and maybe this was because she was finally becoming herself, but it just seemed as if she turned into a whole other person. That's reality though, sometimes you do change when things happen and majority of the time its good, so in this case it was. 

Girl Online was very relatable to teenage girls dealing with issues such as, self-confidence, anxiety and just relationships in general. Zoe showed some good life lessons in this book that you can actually use in everyday life. I really enjoyed this book and very much recommended it to anyone who loves a chick-lit novel but with a great moral! 





Overall Enjoyment: ★.5


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