May Wrap Up : 2016

I can't believe May is over already! I read a total of 4 books and 1 graphic novel this month and I am quite happy with that. Please note that I have been immensely harsh with my ratings because I have been more critical with my reading and I have been trying not to throw around high ratings to books that don't deserve them in my eyes. Enjoy and happy reading! The first book I read this month is Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige. I wrote a detailed review on this book which you can view here. I really enjoyed this book and I gave it ★★★.5 /5 stars. I then finished Girl Online: On Tour by Zoe Sugg . This was an ok read. Not too bad, but defiantly not the best either. I felt as if this read like a fan-fiction so I read it relatively quickly. It was not very original though. I had read a lot of books before with the exact same plot line which was annoying. I gave this book ★★★/5 stars. I picked up Heidi...